Product description:
UZ float type liquid level meter is one kind of simple measuring instrument, it is a cone in the petrochemical system stored in a corrosive medium tank, oil tank, oil depot, etc. the vault cover and container and general business, civil construction of the tower (tank) for liquid level measurement to solve the low price. Artificial liquid level measurement difficulties.
Main technical index
1, measuring range: 0 ~ 20m arbitrary choice
2, indicating accuracy: ± 20mm
3, working pressure: atmospheric pressure or ± 200mmH2O (with V type sealing tube)
4, the use of medium temperature: -30 ~ +300 C
5, the use of media density: ≥ 0.4g/cm3
6, a guide wire installation: ≤ ± 5mm verticality
Working principle
UZ float type liquid level gauge is designed according to the principle of force balance. When the liquid level is at a certain height when the buoy weight is W, hammer needle weight is W1, the leaching buoy in the liquid buoyancy F system with friction F. In equilibrium: W-F-W1-f=0
When the liquid level rises, buoyancy increase of F, W, W1, and F were unchanged, on balance, falling hammer pointer. Until the F force is reduced to the original value, a new equilibrium is established. Such as F force has been increasing, that is, the level has been rising, the pointer has been declining. On the other hand, the liquid level, then hammer pointer rise, which indicates the height of the liquid level.